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Radioecological problems in coastal landscapes of the Sea of Azov
Authors:Tsvetnova O B  Shcheglov A I  Ivakhnenko N M
Abstract:The features of the spatial distribution, of the migration, and of the accumulation of natural (232Th) and manmade (137Cs) radioactive nuclides in the coastal landscapes of the Sea of Azov are studied. It was shown, that the specific activity of 232Th in the accumulation of the so-called "black sands" was shown as high as 6000 Bq/kg, that increases the natural geochemical background in 200 times. The impact of aerial transfer of the "black sands" on 232Th migration and accumulation in the soil-plant system was clarified. The 232Th distribution down the soil profile suggests that the "black sands" are likely the product of the erosion of the coastal parent materials enriched by natural radionuclides. In general, the specific activity of 137Cs in the beach sand is not high and it is close to the background (global fallout) value. It was determined that 137Cs content in the coastal ecosystems is connected only by aerial pathway as a part of global and Chernobyl-born fallout.
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