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Photo-inhibition and the Effects of Protein Phosphorylation on Electron Transport in Wheat Thylakoids
Authors:HABASH, D. Z.   BAKER, N. R.
Abstract:The kinetics of changes in photosystem I (PSI), photosystemII (PSII), and whole chain (PSII and PSI) electron transport,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, the capacity to bind atrazineand the polypeptide profiles of thylakoids isolated from wheatleaves on exposure to a photon flux density of 2000 µmolm–2 s–1 were determined. Severe and similar levelsof photo-inhibitory damage to both PSII and whole chain electrontransport occurred and were correlated with decreases in theratio of variable to maximal fluorescence, the proportionalcontribution of the rapid a phase of the fluorescence kineticsand the capacity to bind atrazine. Severe photo-inhibition ofelectron transport was not associated with a major loss of chlorophyllor total thylakoid protein. However, a small decrease in a 70kDa polypeptide together with increases in a number of low molecularmass polypeptides (8–24 kDa) occurred. Phosphorylation of thylakoid polypeptides alleviated photo-inhibitionof PSII electron transport but stimulated photoinhibitory damageto whole chain electron transport. The consequences of suchphosphorylation-induced effects on photoinhibition in vivo areconsidered. Key words: Chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport, photo-inhibition, protein phosphorylation, thylakoid membranes, wheat (Triticum aestivum)
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