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A comparison of performance of WP2 and MOCNESS
Authors:Gjosater, Harald   Dalpadado, Padmini   Hassel, Arne   Skjoldal, Hein Rune
Affiliation:Institute of Marine Research, PO Box 1870, Nordnes, N-5817 Bergen, Norway
Abstract:Zooplankton biomass in the Barents Sea was monitored during1988–97 using WP2 and MOCNESS plankton nets. These twosampling gears differ in their size and mode of operation. Theplankton samples were size fractionated into three categoriesand the dry weight per square metre was calculated. The smallestand the medium size fractions (< 2000 µm) representedmainly copepods, and the larger size fraction (> 2000 µm)consisted mainly of macrozooplankton such as krill and amphipods.WP2 biomass values were higher for the smallest size fraction,whereas the MOCNESS tended to give higher values for the largestsize fraction However, the total amount of zooplankton biomass(g m–1) obtained by these two methods was not significantlydifferent.
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