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AFM analysis of DNA-protamine complexes bound to mica.
Authors:M J Allen   E M Bradbury     R Balhorn
Abstract:A novel method for reconstituting sperm chromatin was used to investigate how protamine 1 condenses DNA. Complexes formed in vitro using linearized plasmid DNA were imaged and measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The structures formed were found to be highly dependent on the sample preparation method used for reconstitution. Interstrand, side-by-side fasiculation of DNA and toroidal-like structures only 1-2 DNA diameters thick were observed for complexes formed in solution following direct mixing of the DNA and protamine. Large chromatin aggregates were also observed on the mica. However, if the DNA was first allowed to attach to the mica prior to addition of the protamine, well-defined toroidal complexes were formed without any observed DNA fasiculation or aggregate formation. The diameter of the toroids measured 30.6-50.2 nm (mean 39.4 nm). The dimensions of these structures indicate that the condensed DNA is stacked vertically by four to five turns, with each coil containing as little as 360-370 bp of 'B'-form DNA. This approach for preparing and imaging DNA-protamine complexes permits the analysis of intermediate structures 'trapped' on the mica as partially formed toruses of nucleoprotamine.
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