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Mechanical advantage of the canine diaphragm
Authors:Wilson, Theodore A.   Boriek, Aladin M.   Rodarte, Joseph R.
Abstract:The mechanical advantage (µ) of a respiratorymuscle is defined as the respiratory pressure generated per unit musclemass and per unit active stress. The value of µ can be obtained by measuring the change in the length of the muscle during inflation ofthe passive lung and chest wall. We report values of µ for themuscles of the canine diaphragm that were obtained by measuring thelengths of the muscles during a passive quasistatic vital capacitymaneuver. Radiopaque markers were attached along six muscle bundles ofthe costal and two muscle bundles of the crural left hemidiaphragms offour bred-for-research beagle dogs. The three-dimensional locations ofthe markers were obtained from biplane video-fluoroscopic images takenat four volumes during a passive relaxation maneuver from total lungcapacity to functional residual capacity in the prone and supinepostures. Muscle lengths were determined as a function of lung volume,and from these data, values of µ were obtained. Values of µ arefairly uniform around the ventral midcostal and crural diaphragm butsignificantly lower at the dorsal end of the costal diaphragm. Theaverage values of µ are -0.35 ± 0.18 and -0.27 ± 0.16 cmH2O · g-1 · kg-1 · cm-2in the prone and supine dog, respectively. These values are 1.5-2 times larger than the largest values of µ of the intercostal muscles in the supine dog. From these data we estimate that during spontaneous breathing the diaphragm contributes ~40% of inspiratory pressure inthe prone posture and ~30% in the supine posture. Passiveshortening, and hence µ, in the upper one-third of inspiratorycapacity is less than one-half of that at lower lung volume. The lower µ is attributed primarily to a lower abdominal compliance at highlung volume.

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