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Pollination system and its significance on isolation and hybridization in JapaneseEpimedium (Berberidaceae)
Authors:Kazuo Suzuki
Affiliation:(1) Makino Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Setagaya, 158 Tokyo
Abstract:Observations on native populations of JapaneseEpimedium have revealed that two types of effective pollinators can be recognized. One of the two types, which consists of small bees (mainlyAndrena spp. andLasioglossum spp.), is characterized by nondiscriminating behavior for collecting pollen and is commonly found inEpimedium. The other type, which comprises medium sizedTetralonia nipponensis and largerBombus diversus queens as main components, showed flower-dependent foraging fidelity associated with nectar-sucking behavior.T. nipponensis with a shorter proboscis pollinated flowers with a shorter spur ofE. trifoliatobinatum and of a part ofE. s sempervirens, while the queen ofB. diversus with a longer proboscis pollinated longer spurred flowers ofE. grandiflorum andE. sempervirens. In the populations of putative hybrid-derivatives which show gradational variations of spur length, bees of the pollencollecting type pollinated any flower non-discriminately while bees of the nectar-foraging type tended to visit the flowers with spur lengths corresponding to their proboscis length. These observations suggest that the pollen-collecting bees play an important role for gene flow among theEpimedium species, and the nectar-foraging bees reinforce the isolation between the species by their selective pollination. Reproductive isolation between species ofEpimedium is discussed in relation with some practical behavior, such as flying power, of the pollinators.
Keywords:Berberidaceae   Epimedium   Hybridization  Isolation  Pollination
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