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Male age and sexual experience affect male mating behavior in the hawthorn spider mite,Amphitetranychus viennensis
Authors:Yang  Haibo  Quan  Pengqi  Li  Dingxu
Affiliation:1.College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, 471023, China

As is reported, in species with first-male sperm precedence, male age and previous sexual experience play crucial roles in male mating behavior. In the hawthorn spider mite, Amphitetranychus viennensis Zacher, previous studies showed that only females that copulated for the first time could achieve fertilization. Based on this, the effects of male age and mating history on male mate choice and male mate competition were investigated. It was confirmed that males could distinguish virgins from fertilized females but they were unable to discriminate between virgins and unfertilized females. Interestingly, the copulation duration of males mated with fertilized females was much shorter than that of males mated with virgins or unfertilized females. Additionally, for male mating choice, males of all ages and more experienced males preferred 5-day-old virgin females, whereas only less experienced males preferred 1-day-old virgin females. In male-male competition, 3-day-old males were more competitive and obtained more copulations compared with others. Copula duration was closely related to male age. Though no significant differences were observed in mating competition between virgin and mated males, copula duration of males in first copulation was the longest and gradually shortened in subsequent copulations. In all, this investigation demonstrated that male age and sexual experience affected male mate choice and male-male competition, leading to further insight into the influences of male age and sexual experience on the reproductive fitness of both sexes.

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