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Cell prestress. II. Contribution of microtubules
Authors:Stamenović Dimitrije  Mijailovich Srboljub M  Tolić-Nørrelykke Iva Marija  Chen Jianxin  Wang Ning
Affiliation:Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, 44 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215, USA. dimitrij@engc.bu.edu
Abstract:The tensegritymodel hypothesizes that cytoskeleton-based microtubules (MTs) carrycompression as they balance a portion of cell contractile stress. Totest this hypothesis, we used traction force microscopy to measuretraction at the interface of adhering human airway smooth muscle cellsand a flexible polyacrylamide gel substrate. The prediction is that ifMTs balance a portion of contractile stress, then, upon theirdisruption, the portion of stress balanced by MTs would shift to thesubstrate, thereby causing an increase in traction. Measurements weredone first in maximally activated cells (10 µM histamine) and thenagain after MTs had been disrupted (1 µM colchicine). We found that after disruption of MTs, traction increased on average by ~13%. Because in activated cells colchicine induced neither an increase inintracellular Ca2+ nor an increase in myosin light chainphosphorylation as shown previously, we concluded that the observedincrease in traction was a result of load shift from MTs to thesubstrate. In addition, energy stored in the flexible substrate wascalculated as work done by traction on the deformation of thesubstrate. This result was then utilized in an energetic analysis. Weassumed that cytoskeleton-based MTs are slender elastic rods supportedlaterally by intermediate filaments and that MTs buckle as the cellcontracts. Using the post-buckling equilibrium theory of Euler struts,we found that energy stored during buckling of MTs was quantitativelyconsistent with the measured increase in substrate energy afterdisruption of MTs. This is further evidence supporting the idea thatMTs are intracellular compression-bearing elements.

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