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Distribution of zooplankton associated with the Endeavour Ridge Hydrothermal Plume
Authors:Burd, Brenda J.   Thomson, Richard E.
Affiliation:Institute of Ocean Sciences, PO Box 6000, Sidney, BC, V8L 4B2 Canada
Abstract:Enhanced zooplankton biomass was found in shallow (<900 m)and deep (>900 m) net samples collected over the EndeavourRidge hydrothermal plume in 1991 and 1992. This enhanced biomasswas manifest in considerably higher abundance values for mostspecies in proximity to the vent field compared with abundancevalues from net samples collected 10–50 km off-axis. Thespecies most enriched in abundance by the hydrothermal plumewere those normally found in the mid-depth scattering layerat 400–900 m depth. These mid-depth animals were alsothe dominant fauna in the deep scattering layers that overliethe hydrothermal plume at depths of 1200–1900 m near themain vent field. The abundance and biomass dominants were specieswith pronounced ontogenetic migration patterns, and their associatedpredators. The abundance of many typically deep species wasalso enhanced over the main vent field. Faimal compositionsof net samples were compared using a similarity measure andaverage linkage rule. Deep fauna in proximity to the vent fieldbut not associated with scattering layers (Group 1), were similarto deep fauna 10–50 km off axis. The fauna of the deepscattering layer over the vent field (Group 2) was most similarto surface and mid- depth scattering layer fauna found withina 50km radius of the vent field. Statistical tests of linkagesobtained using a bootstrap method indicate that the abundanceand taxonomic composition of the two faunal groups were significantlydistinct in 1992, but not in 1991. We conclude that there wasconsiderable infiltration of shallow fauna into the deep scatteringlayers within 2–3 km of the main vent field, less extensiveinfiltration 10–15 km to the noilh and south of the ventfield in 1991, and insignificant infiltration at stations 50kmto the west of the vent field in 1992. A bootstrap analysiscomparing the faunal composition of nets towed above 900 m depthshowed that shallow fauna were not significantly distinct betweenthe two sampling years or up to 50 km away from the vent field.
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