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The Effects of Irradiance on Uptake and Assimilation of Nitrate by Young Barley Seedlings
Affiliation:Botany Department, University of Edinburgh King's Buildings, Edinburgh 9, Scotland
Abstract:The nitrogen economy of barley plants growing in a range ofirradiances from full shade (less than 0·5 W m–2)to 119 W m–2 has been examined by analysing levels oftotal, organic and nitrate nitrogen, and by determining nitratereductase activity in leaf extracts. It has been confirmed thatroot growth is reduced in low irradiances which are also associatedwith a lower level of total nitrogen in the plant, and hencewith a lower uptake of nitrate. In all parts of the plant thelevel of organic nitrogen is higher in high light intensitybut nitrate-nitrogen as a proportion of the total is greatestin low irradiances. In the first leaf accumulation of free nitrateis substantially greater in low irradiances. The data indicate a higher level of nitrate assimilation inhigh irradiances and nitrate reductase activity in leaf extractsis higher in such conditions. When the first leaf is shadednitrate reductase activity falls to undetectable levels afterabout 4 days, but in the case of the second leaf, where thisis shaded, some reductase activity is always found, althoughthis is substantially less than that in unshaded conditions. It is concluded that in vitro rates of nitrate reduction mayover-estimate nitrate assimilation determined as increase inorganic nitrogen.
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