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Tales of two snails: sexual selection and sexual conflict in Lymnaea stagnalis and Helix aspersa
Authors:Koene Joris M
Affiliation:Department of Animal Ecology, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Sexual selection and sexual conflict have been shown to playkey roles in the evolution of species with separate sexes. Experimentalevidence is accumulating that this is also true for simultaneoushermaphrodites. For example, many species of land snails forcefullystab their mating partners with love darts. In the brown gardensnail (Helix aspersa, now called Cantareus asperses), this dartincreases sperm storage and paternity, probably via the transferof an allohormone that inhibits sperm digestion. A recent interspeciescomparison of dart-possessing land snails revealed coevolutionbetween darts and spermatophore-receiving organs that is consistentwith counteradaptation against an allohormonal manipulation.The great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) seems to use a seminalproduct to manipulate its partner and mates in the male rolewhen enough seminal fluid is available in the prostate gland.Receipt of semen not only initiates egg laying in virgin animals,but also feminizes the mating partner later in life. These increasesin the female function have been shown to go at the expenseof growth and seminal fluid production of the sperm recipient.Although in Helix, and probably also Lymnaea, the sperm donorbenefits from the induced changes through increased fertilizationsuccess, the sperm recipient may experience injury, imposedreallocation of resources, and altered sperm storage. Thesefindings support the existence of sexual conflict in simultaneouslyhermaphroditic snails, and its importance for the evolutionof mating behaviors and reproductive morphologies is discussed.
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