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Early events in microprojectile bombardment: cell viability and particle location
Authors:Reiner Hunold,Roberte Bronner, Gü  nther Hahne
Affiliation:Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, CNRS and UniversitéLouis Pasteur, 12, rue du Général Zimmer, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Abstract:Tungsten and gold particles, coated with plasmid DNA harboring the β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt-II) genes, were delivered into tobacco primary leaves and suspension-cultured cells of maize using the helium particle inflow gun. Cell viability and particle localization were determined 1 and 2 days after bombardment. Of the counted particles, 7–10% penetrated into or through the epidermis. Blue spots on tobacco leaves appeared as a blue area around a single, densely stained particle-containing central cell. DNA-coated gold particles provoked smaller spots with less diffusion and gave rise to more individual events than tungsten particles. In more than 90% of the GUS-positive epidermal and mesophyll cells, a particle was detectable within their nucleus. Two days after bombardment, viability had decreased to 1–2% in particle-containing cells. Penetration of a cell by a particle was accompanied by callose formation in the wound area. Dead suspension culture cells of maize without callose formation but containing particles were detected just 1 h post-bombardment. Living cells with callose spots appeared more frequently after bombardment with tungsten than gold. As in tobacco, GUS expression was limited to those cells containing a particle in their nucleus, and the number of particle-containing, viable cells was low after 48 h. The frequency of stable expression events was compared to the number of surviving tobacco leaf cells. On average, four kanamycin-resistant calli or plantlets were recovered per bombarded dish, of which approximately 50% were also GUS-positive. This corresponds to a stable-to-transient ratio of approximately 0.8%, and is similar to the number of particle-containing cells surviving after 48 h.
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