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Comparative feeding ecology of Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus (Copepoda, Cyclopoida)
Authors:Adrian, Rita   Frost, Thomas M.
Affiliation:Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin 680 N Park Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Abstract:The herbivorous and carnivorous feeding biology of Tropocyclopsprasinus mexicanus, an especially small cyclopoid copepod, wasstudied under in situ food conditions in three different lakesand under experimentally augmented food supplies. The mass-specificfood uptake is compared to that of two larger species—Cyclopskolensis and Cyclops vicinus. Under in situ food conditions,T.p.mexicanus depended to a larger extent on algae than invertebrateprey and showed lower mass-specific ingestion rates than thetwo larger species. Daily mass-specific uptake rates for algaeranged between 10 and 24% of its body mass versus 0.7–7%for invertebrate prey. The larger species C.vicinus and C.kolensisingested a total dry mass equivalent to 106% or up to 143% oftheir body mass with algae contributing 66 and 81%. However,under enriched food availability, T.p.mexicanus is able to ingesta biomass equivalent to its body mass, with an algae (54%) andprey (40%) portion similar to that of the larger species. Bodysize appears to be an important factor for the relative importanceof algal versus invertebrate prey for cyclopoid copepods.
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