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Effect of glutamine supplementation on exercise-induced changes in lymphocyte function
Authors:Krzywkowski K  Petersen E W  Ostrowski K  Kristensen J H  Boza J  Pedersen B K
Affiliation:Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre and Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
Abstract:The purpose of this study was toinvestigate the possible role of glutamine in exercise-inducedimpairment of lymphocyte function. Ten male athletesparticipated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blindcrossover study. Each athlete performed bicycle exercise for 2 hat 75% of maximum O2 consumption on 2 separate days.Glutamine or placebo supplements were given orally during and up to2 h postexercise. The trial induced postexercise neutrocytosisthat lasted at least 2 h. The total lymphocyte count increased bythe end of exercise due to increase of bothCD3+TCRalpha beta + andCD3+TCRgamma delta + T cells as well asCD3-CD16+CD56+ naturalkiller (NK) cells. Concentrations of CD8+ andCD4+ T cells lacking CD28 and CD95 on their surfaceincreased more than those of cells expressing these receptors. Withinthe CD4+ cells, only CD45RA- memory cells, butnot CD45RA+ naive cells, increased in response to exercise.Most lymphocyte subpopulations decreased 2 h after exercise.Glutamine supplementation abolished the postexercise decline in plasmaglutamine concentration but had no effect on lymphocyte trafficking, NKand lymphokine-activated killer cell activities, T cell proliferation,catecholamines, growth hormone, insulin, or glucose. Neutrocytosis wasless pronounced in the glutamine-supplemented group, but it is unlikelythat this finding is of any clinical significance. This study does notsupport the idea that glutamine plays a mechanistic role inexercise-induced immune changes.

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