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Metabolic Syndrome and Coronary Artery Disease in Ossabaw Compared with Yucatan Swine
Authors:Zachary P Neeb   Jason M Edwards   Mouhamad Alloosh   Xin Long   Eric A Mokelke   Michael Sturek
Affiliation:Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana
Abstract:Metabolic syndrome (MetS), a compilation of associated risk factors, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD, atherosclerosis), which can progress to the point of artery occlusion. Stents are the primary interventional treatment for occlusive CAD, and patients with MetS and hyperinsulinemia have increased restenosis. Because of its thrifty genotype, the Ossabaw pig is a model of MetS. We tested the hypothesis that, when fed high-fat diet, Ossabaw swine develop more features of MetS, greater native CAD, and greater stent-induced CAD than do Yucatan swine. Animals of each breed were divided randomly into 2 groups and fed 2 different calorie-matched diets for 40 wk: control diet (C) and high-fat, high-cholesterol atherogenic diet (H). A bare metal stent was placed in the circumflex artery, and pigs were allowed to recover for 3 wk. Characteristics of MetS, macrovascular and microvascular CAD, in-stent stenosis, and Ca2+ signaling in coronary smooth muscle cells were evaluated. MetS characteristics including, obesity, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, and elevated arterial pressure were elevated in Ossabaw swine compared to Yucatan swine. Ossabaw swine with MetS had more extensive and diffuse native CAD and in-stent stenosis and impaired coronary blood flow regulation compared with Yucatan. In-stent atherosclerotic lesions in Ossabaw coronary arteries were less fibrous and more cellular. Coronary smooth muscle cells from Ossabaw had impaired Ca2+ efflux and intracellular sequestration versus cells from Yucatan swine. Therefore, Ossabaw swine are a superior model of MetS, subsequent CAD, and cellular Ca2+ signaling defects, whereas Yucatan swine are leaner and relatively resistant to MetS and CAD.Abbreviations: CAD, coronary artery disease; CSM, coronary smooth muscle; IVGTT, intravenous glucose tolerance test; MetS, metabolic syndrome; SERCA, sarco–endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase; ET1, endothelin 1; SOCE, store-operated Ca2+ entryAtherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) is increased at least 2-fold in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS)27 and is accompanied by marked microvascular dysfunction that further impairs coronary blood flow.10 MetS generally is diagnosed by the presence of 3 or more of the following conditions: obesity, insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.17,28 There is strong support for the role of the hyperinsulinemia component of MetS in increased restenosis after percutaneous coronary interventions.74,75,84,85 Further, our group has shown that severe coronary microvascular dysfunction occurs in MetS.5 Because MetS (so-called ‘prediabetes’) affects as much as 27% of the United States population, is increasing dramatically in prevalence,94 and can progress to type 2 diabetes, there is great need for basic research using animal models that accurately mimic MetS and the accompanying CAD. Clearly, there is need for study of MetS-induced CAD and in-stent stenosis and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms.Mice, rats, and swine are known to recapitulate MetS;3,12,36,60,71,72 however, none of these models fully reproduce the combined symptoms of MetS and CAD. Further, transgenic mouse models are simply not adequate for coronary vascular interventions using stents identical to those used in humans,18,23,38,55,57,79,83,86 a step that is essential for translation to the clinic. Yucatan and domestic swine are commonly used large animal models for study of cardiovascular disease due to their ability to mimic the neointimal formation and thrombosis observed in humans.86 For example, several laboratories have produced severe CAD in swine,8,24,51,61,62,68,91 but through toxin-induced pancreatic β-cell ablation and feeding of an atherogenic diet, rather than as a natural development subsequent to MetS or diabetes. Currently, there is a paucity of large animal models that reproduce MetS and CAD.3Research on the obesity-prone Ossabaw miniature swine59 clearly indicates that these animals develop MetS and cardiovascular disease when fed a high-calorie atherogenic diet,4,5,9,16,19,42,50,52,83,92 Female Ossabaw swine on this type of diet nearly doubled their percentage body fat in only 9 wk, showed insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia (profound increase in the ratio of low-density to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia), hypertension, and early coronary atherosclerosis.16 These data contrast with those from male Yucatan miniature pigs, which did not develop MetS even after 20 wk on a comparable excess calorie atherogenic diet.8,68,95 Yucatan swine do not develop MetS through diet manipulation, unlike Ossabaw swine, which consistently recapitulate all MetS characteristics. However, important differences in study design have not allowed direct comparison between Yucatan and Ossabaw swine.Cytosolic Ca2+ signaling is involved in ‘phenotypic modulation’ of coronary smooth muscle (CSM), as characterized by proliferation and migration in several in vitro cell culture models33,35,89,90 and in vivo rodent models of the peripheral circulation (for example, reference 51). The Yucatan swine model of diabetic dyslipidemia shows altered Ca2+ extrusion,96 Ca2+ sequestration by the sarcoplasmic reticulum,32,34,98 and Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.98 Currently, Ca2+ signaling has not been compared directly between MetS Ossabaw and Yucatan swine CSM. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that compared with Yucatan swine on calorie-matched standard chow (for example, Yucatan maintenance diet8,95) and atherogenic diets, Ossabaw swine have a greater propensity to MetS and CAD with impaired coronary microvascular dysfunction and Ca2+ handling in CSM.
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