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Cytoplasmic Ca2+, K+, Cl-, and NO3- Activities in the Liverwort Conocephalum conicum L. at Rest and during Action Potentials
Authors:Trebacz K.  Simonis W.  Schonknecht G.
Affiliation:Julius-von-Sachs-Institut fur Biowissenschaften der Universitat Wurzburg, Lehrstuhl Botanik I, Mittlerer Dallenbergweg 64, 97082 Wurzburg, Germany.
Abstract:Intracellular Ca2+, K+, Cl-, and NO3- activities were measured with ion-selective microelectrodes in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum L. at rest, during dark/light changes, and in the course of action potentials triggered by light or electrical stimuli. The average free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was 231 [plus or minus] 65 nM. We did not observe any light-dependent changes of the free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration as long as no action potential was triggered. During action potentials, on average a 2-fold increase of the free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration was recorded. Intracellular K+ activity was 76 [plus or minus] 10 mM. It did not depend on K+ concentration changes in the bath solution between 0.1 and 10 mM. The average equilibrium potential for K+ in the standard medium containing 1 mM K+ was -110 mV, which differed significantly from the resting potential of -151 [plus or minus] 2 mV. During action potentials, either a slight decrease or no changes in intracellular K+ activity were recorded. The average Cl- activity was 7.4 [plus or minus] 0.2 mM in the cytoplasm and 43.5 [plus or minus] 7 mM in the vacuole. The activities of NO3- were 0.63 [plus or minus] 0.05 mM in the cytoplasm and 3.0 [plus or minus] 0.3 mM in the vacuole. For both anions the vacuolar activity was 5 to 6 times higher than the cytoplasmic activity. After the light was switched off both the Cl- and the NO3- activity showed either no change or a slight increase. Illumination caused a gradual return to previous values or no change. During action potentials a slight decrease of intracellular Cl- activity was recorded. It was concluded that in Conocephalum, as in characean cells, chloride channels are involved in the depolarization phase of the action potentials. We discuss a model for the ion fluxes during an action potential in Conocephalum.
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