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Functional morphology of tongue projection in Taricha torosa (Urodela: Salamandridae)
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Morrill Science Center, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, 01003-0027, U.S.A.
Abstract:The kinematics of tongue projection by terrestrial adult California newts, Taricha torosa (Rathke, 1833), are described based upon high-speed cinematography. Tongue projection results from coupled anterior movements of the ceratohyals and branchial arches. Four distinct periods are defined during a projection sequence: preparation, tongue projection, tongue recovery and mouth closing. Key anatomical correlates of projection are described, with special emphasis on the mobility of the hyoid arch. Adult Taricha (Gray, 1850) have lost the mandibulo-hyoid ligament and reduced additional connective tissues present in larvae. These changes decouple the hyoid arch from mouth opening and release the ceratohyals to participate in a tongue projection system distinct from those of ambystomatids and plethodontids. These phylogenetic differences pose questions about the evolution of tongue projection systems in terrestrial urodeles. Currently available data are consistent with the interpretation that terrestrial urodeles have independently evolved specialized tongue projection systems at least twice: the ceratohyal-stable mode of plethodontids and the ceratohyal-mobile system of newts. In all cases, an essential underlying (= plesiomorphic) feature is the presence of the depressor mandibulae muscle. We regard this pathway for mouth opening as a prerequisite which liberated the hyobranchium for alternative function. Comprehensive studies of the mandibulo-hyoid ligament and depressor mandibulae will be vital to modelling the evolution of specialized tongue projection systems of urodeles.
Keywords:Salamandridae    Taricha    tongue projection    kinematics    functional morphology
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