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Nitrogenous preference of toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia australis (Bacillariophyceae) from field and laboratory experiments
Authors:Meredith D. Armstrong Howard   William P. Cochlan   Nicolas Ladizinsky  Raphael M. Kudela
Affiliation:aOcean Science Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA;bRomberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University, 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920-1250, USA
Abstract:Field and laboratory experiments were designed to determine the differential growth and toxin response to inorganic and organic nitrogen additions in Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Nitrogen enrichments of 50 μM nitrate (KNO3), 10 μM ammonium (NH4Cl), 20 μM urea and a control (no addition) were carried out in separate carboys with seawater collected from the mouth of the San Francisco Bay (Bolinas Bay), an area characterized by high concentrations of macronutrients and iron. All treatments showed significant increases in biomass, with chlorophyll a peaking on days 4–5 for all treatments except urea, which maintained exponential growth through the termination of the experiment. Pseudo-nitzschia australis Frenguelli abundance was 103 cells l−1 at the start of the experiment and increased by an order of magnitude by day 2. Particulate domoic acid (pDA) was initially low but detectable (0.15 μg l−1), and increased throughout exponential and stationary phases across all treatments. At the termination of the experiment, the urea treatment produced more than double the amount of pDA (9.39 μg l−1) than that produced by the nitrate treatment (4.26 μg l−1) and triple that of the control and ammonium treatments (1.36 μg l−1 and 2.64 μg l−1, respectively). The mean specific growth rates, calculated from increases in chlorophyll a and from cellular abundance of P. australis, were statistically similar across all treatments.These field results confirmed laboratory experiments conducted with a P. australis strain isolated from Monterey Bay, CA (isolate AU221-a) grown in artificial seawater enriched with 50 μM nitrate, 50 μM ammonium or 25 μM of urea as the sole nitrogen source. The exponential growth rate of P. australis was significantly slower for cells grown on urea (ca. 0.5 day−1) compared to the cells grown on either nitrate or ammonium (ca. 0.9 day−1). However the urea-grown cells produced more particulate and dissolved domoic acid (DA) than the ammonium- or nitrate-grown cells. The field and laboratory experiments demonstrate that P. australis is able to grow effectively on urea as the primary source of nitrogen and produced more pDA when grown on urea in both natural assemblages and unialgal cultures. These results suggest that the influence of urea from coastal runoff may prove to be more important in the development or maintenance of toxic blooms than previously thought, and that the source of nitrogen may be a determining factor in the relative toxicity of west coast blooms of P. australis.
Keywords:Domoic acid   Harmful algae   Nitrogen   Pseudo-nitzschia australis   Urea
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