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引用本文:卢学理,蒋志刚,唐继荣,王学杰,向定乾,张建平. 自动感应照相系统在大熊猫以及同域分布的野生动物研究中的应用[J]. 动物学报, 2005, 51(3): 495-500
作者姓名:卢学理  蒋志刚  唐继荣  王学杰  向定乾  张建平
作者单位:1. 中国科学院动物研究所,北京 100080
2. 陕西长青自然保护区管理局,陕西洋县 723300
3. 北京龙创太阳能自控技术有限公司,北京 100076
摘    要:鉴于野生大熊猫种群的濒危现状,已经不允许对其生境进行破坏性或干扰其行为活动较多的调查活动。例如,野生大熊猫个体数量稀少、其栖息地地形复杂或植被茂密,野外直接观察和调查野生大熊猫极为困难。自动感应照相系统是一种非损伤性野生动物调查工具,在很大程度上弥补了传统调查方法的不足,为野生动物的调查和研究提供了新的有效途径。本研究利用自行研究和开发的自动感应照相系统,获得了野生大熊猫及与其同域分布的其它物种的重要生态信息,显示了自动感应照相系统在物种鉴定、区系调查、个体识别、种群监测、性别确定和行为生态学研究等多方面的应用价值[动物学报51(3):495—500,2005]。

关 键 词:自动感应照相系统  野生动物  大熊猫  濒危物种  非损伤性调查

Auto-trigger camera traps for studying giant panda and its sympatric wildlife species
LU Xue-li,JIANG Zhi-Gang,TANG Ji-Rong,WANG Xue-jie,XIANG Ding-Qian,ZHANG Jian-Ping. Auto-trigger camera traps for studying giant panda and its sympatric wildlife species[J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 2005, 51(3): 495-500
Authors:LU Xue-li  JIANG Zhi-Gang  TANG Ji-Rong  WANG Xue-jie  XIANG Ding-Qian  ZHANG Jian-Ping
Abstract:Current critical survival situation of wildlife, such as that of the giant pandas, no longer allows us to use destructive and invasive methods during field surveys. But direct observation of wildlife in the field is extremely difficult due to low population densities, complex terrain, and dense forests cover. Auto-trigger camera system is an alternative tool for noninvasive surveys, and to some extent, may remedy deficiencies of traditional field methods. In this study, by using auto-trigger camera systems, we have obtained important ecological information on wild giant pandas and its sympatric species. Our results show that the system is appropriate for species identification, individual discrimination, population survey, sex determination. The auto-trigger camera can be used in behavioral ecological study as well. [WTHZ]
Keywords:Auto-trigger camera system   Wildlife   Ailuropoda melanoleuca   Endangered species   Noninvasive field survey
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