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Analysis of the embryonic lineage of vertebrate taste buds
Authors:Barlow  Linda A; Northcutt  RGlenn
Abstract:In all vertebrates, taste buds are the last sensory receptorsto appear late in embryonic development. They are thought toarise locally from the oropharyngeal epithelium, although thishypothesis has not been tested experimentally. Alternatively,taste buds have been proposed to arise from neurocctodermalcells that migrate from peripheral neurogenic sources to theoropharyngeal epithelium and give rise to taste bud precursorcells. In order to determine the exact embryonic lineage ofthe cells of vertebrate taste buds, we have employed a combinationof endogenous and exogenous cell marking techniques to followneuroectodermal and endodermal cells through development. Wefind, in the ambystomatid salamander used in our studies, tastebuds arise locally within the endodermally-derived epitheliumlining the oropharyngeal cavity, and do not receive a contributionfrom neuroectodermal sources, i.e. ectodermal placodes or cephalicneural crest.
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