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Scale-up aspects of photobioreactors: effects of mixing-induced light/dark cycles
Authors:Marcel Janssen  Lucas de Bresser  Teun Baijens  Johannes Tramper  Luuc R. Mur  Jan F.H. Snel  René H. Wijffels
Affiliation:(1) Food and Bioprocess Engineering Group, Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences, Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8129, 6700 EV Wageningen, The Netherlands;(2) Amsterdam Research Institute for Substances in Ecosystems, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(3) Laboratory for Plant Physiology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Abstract:The green micro-algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiand Dunaliella tertiolecta were cultivated undermedium-duration square-wave light/dark cycles with acycle time of 15 s. These cycles were used to simulatethe light regime experienced by micro-algae inexternally-illuminated (sunlight) air-lift loopbioreactors with internal draft tube. Biomass yieldin relation to light energy was determined as gprotein per mol of photons (400–700 nm). Between 600and 1200 mgrmol m-2 s-1 the yield at a10/5 s light/dark cycle was equal to the yield atcontinuous illumination. Consequently, provided thatthe liquid circulation time is 15 s, a considerabledark zone seems to be allowed in the interior ofair-lift loop photobioreactors (33% v/v) without lossof light utilization efficiency. However, at a 5/10 slight/dark cycle, corresponding to a 67% v/v darkzone, biomass yield decreased. Furthermore, bothalgae, C. reinhardtii and D. tertiolecta,responded similarly to these cycles with respect tobiomass yield. This was interesting because they werereported to exhibit a different photoacclimationstrategy. Finally, it was demonstrated that D.tertiolecta was much more efficient at low (average)photon flux densities (57–370 mgrmol m-2s-1) than at high PFDs (> 600 mgrmol m-2s-1) and it was shown that D. tertiolectawas cultivated at a sub-optimal temperature (20 °C).
Keywords:microalgae  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii  Dunaliellatertiolecta  light/dark cycles  photobioreactors  light utilizationefficiency  biomass yield  quantum yield
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