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Essential spaces defined by NMR structure ensembles and molecular dynamics simulation show significant overlap
Authors:Roger Abseher  Lennard Horstink  Cornelis W. Hilbers  Michael Nilges
Abstract:Large concerted motions of proteins which span its “essential space,” are an important component of protein dynamics. We investigate to what extent structure ensembles generated with standard structure calculation techniques such as simulated annealing can capture these motions by comparing them to long-time molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories. The motions are analyzed by principal component analysis and compared using inner products of eigenvectors of the respective covariance matrices. Two very different systems are studied, the β-spectrin PH domain and the single-stranded DNA binding protein (ssDBP) from the filamentous phage Pf3. A comparison of the ensembles from NMR and MD shows significant overlap of the essential spaces, which in the case of ssDBP is extraordinarily high. The influence of variations in the specifications of distance restraints is investigated. We also study the influence of the selection criterion for the final structure ensemble on the definition of mobility. The results suggest a modified criterion that improves conformational sampling in terms of amplitudes of correlated motion. Proteins 31:370–382, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:NMR structure refinement  correlated/collective motion  essential dynamics analysis  PH domain  single-stranded DNA binding protein  gene V protein
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