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Relative impact of mate versus pollinator availability on pollen limitation and outcrossing rates in a mass‐flowering species
Authors:C E L Delmas  N Escaravage  P‐O Cheptou  O Charrier  S Ruzafa  P Winterton  A Pornon
Institution:1. Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique, Université de Toulouse, Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique, Toulouse, France;2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France;3. UMR 5175 CEFE – Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CNRS, Université Montpellier 2), Montpellier, France;4. GENOTOUL Platform, INRA, Auzeville, France;5. Département de Langues et Gestion, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Abstract:Plant mating systems are driven by several pre‐pollination factors, including pollinator availability, mate availability and reproductive traits. We investigated the relative contributions of these factors to pollination and to realized outcrossing rates in the patchily distributed mass‐flowering shrub Rhododendron ferrugineum. We jointly monitored pollen limitation (comparing seed set from intact and pollen‐supplemented flowers), reproductive traits (herkogamy, flower size and autofertility) and mating patterns (progeny array analysis) in 28 natural patches varying in the level of pollinator availability (flower visitation rates) and of mate availability (patch floral display estimated as the total number of inflorescences per patch). Our results showed that patch floral display was the strongest determinant of pollination and of the realized outcrossing rates in this mass‐flowering species. We found an increase in pollen limitation and in outcrossing rates with increasing patch floral display. Reproductive traits were not significantly related to patch floral display, while autofertility was negatively correlated to outcrossing rates. These findings suggest that mate limitation, arising from high flower visitation rates in small plant patches, resulted in low pollen limitation and high selfing rates, while pollinator limitation, arising from low flower visitation rates in large plant patches, resulted in higher pollen limitation and outcrossing rates. Pollinator‐mediated selfing and geitonogamy likely alleviates pollen limitation in the case of reduced mate availability, while reduced pollinator availability (intraspecific competition for pollinator services) may result in the maintenance of high outcrossing rates despite reduced seed production.
Keywords:Floral display  insect visits  mass flowering  outcrossing rate  pollen limitation  reproductive traits     Rhododendron ferrugineum     self‐incompatibility
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