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Lettuce production and antioxidant capacity are differentially modified by salt stress and light intensity under ambient and elevated CO2
Authors:Usue Pé  rez-Ló  pez,Jon Miranda-ApodacaAlberto Muñ  oz-Rueda,Amaia Mena-Petite
Affiliation:Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Apdo. 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Abstract:As a consequence of the increasing importance of vegetables in the human diet, there is an interest in enhancing both the productivity and quality of vegetables. A number of factors, including plant genotype and environmental growing conditions, can impact the production and quality of vegetables. The objective of this study was to determine whether elevated CO2, salinity, or high light treatments assayed individually, or salinity or high light in combination with elevated CO2, increased biomass production and antioxidant capacity in two lettuce cultivars. Elevated CO2 and its combination with salinity or high light increased biomass production in both cultivars, while high light treatment alone increased production in green-leaf lettuce but not in red-leaf lettuce. On the other hand, elevated CO2 and its combination with salinity or high light increased the antioxidant capacity of both cultivars, while high light treatment alone increased the antioxidant capacity of red-leaf lettuce, but not of green-leaf lettuce.
Keywords:A, photosynthetic rate   A/gs, intrinsic water use efficiency   ACF, antioxidant capacity on a per-gram fresh weight basis   ACP, antioxidant capacity on a plant-by-plant basis   CAC, control plants grown at ambient CO2, 400 PAR, and 0   mM NaCl   CEC, plants grown at elevated CO2, 400 PAR, and 0   mM NaCl   DAS, days after sowing   DW, dry weight   FW, fresh weight   gs, stomatal conductance   GVA, graphical vector analysis   HLAC, plants grown at ambient CO2, 700 PAR, and 0   mM NaCl   HLEC, plants grown at elevated CO2, 700 PAR, and 0   mM NaCl   OL, oak leaf   PAR, photosynthetic active radiation   PB, Blonde of Paris Batavia   QY, apparent quantum yield   SAC, plants grown at ambient CO2, 400 PAR, and 200   mM NaCl   SEC, plants grown at elevated CO2, 400 PAR, and 200   mM NaCl   WC, water content   ΦPSII, actual photochemical efficiency of photosystem II
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