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Ejaculate allocation under varying sperm competition risk in the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus
Authors:Ramm, Steven A.   Stockley, Paula
Affiliation:Mammalian Behaviour and Evolution Group, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool, Chester High Road, Neston CH64 7TE, UK
Abstract:A common mechanism through which males can enhance their successin postcopulatory contests over paternity is to inseminate moresperm than their rivals. However, ejaculate production is costlyand the evolution of prudent sperm allocation strategies sensitiveto variation in local levels of sperm competition has now beendemonstrated in diverse taxa, including mammals. Theory predictsan increased sperm allocation in response to an elevated riskof sperm competition, but here we show that male house mice(Mus musculus domesticus) instead ejaculate fewer sperm perejaculate when mating in the presence of a rival male. Thissurprising sperm allocation pattern may be a necessary consequenceof adaptive changes in copulatory behavior, enabling males toachieve more rapid sperm transfer and/or to ejaculate repeatedlyunder risk of sexual competition. The size of a second ejaculatecomponent, the copulatory plug, is unaffected by sperm competitionrisk. Our results highlight how the often complex interplaybetween different reproductive traits can affect the evolutionof sperm competition phenotypes.
Keywords:copulatory behavior   copulatory plug   mammals   sexual selection   sperm allocation.
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