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The coordination of spindle‐positioning forces during the asymmetric division of the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote
Authors:    ne Bouvrais,Laurent Chesneau,Yann Le Cunff,Danielle Fairbrass,Nina Soler,Sylvain Pastezeur,Thierry Pé  cot,Charles Kervrann,Jacques Pé  cré  aux
Affiliation:1. CNRS, IGDR ‐ UMR 6290, University of Rennes, Rennes France ; 2. INRIA, Centre Rennes ‐ Bretagne Atlantique, Rennes France
Abstract:In Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, astral microtubules generate forces essential to position the mitotic spindle, by pushing against and pulling from the cortex. Measuring microtubule dynamics there, we revealed the presence of two populations, corresponding to pulling and pushing events. It offers a unique opportunity to study, under physiological conditions, the variations of both spindle‐positioning forces along space and time. We propose a threefold control of pulling force, by polarity, spindle position and mitotic progression. We showed that the sole anteroposterior asymmetry in dynein on‐rate, encoding pulling force imbalance, is sufficient to cause posterior spindle displacement. The positional regulation, reflecting the number of microtubule contacts in the posterior‐most region, reinforces this imbalance only in late anaphase. Furthermore, we exhibited the first direct proof that dynein processivity increases along mitosis. It reflects the temporal control of pulling forces, which strengthens at anaphase onset following mitotic progression and independently from chromatid separation. In contrast, the pushing force remains constant and symmetric and contributes to maintaining the spindle at the cell centre during metaphase.
Keywords:force coordination, microtubule dynamics, polarity control, spindle‐  positioning, temporal control
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