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Fate of H2-activated T lymphocytes in syngeneic hosts. III. Differentiation into long-lived recirculating memory cells.
Authors:J Sprent  J F Miller
Affiliation:1. Basel Institute for Immunology, Basel, Switzerland;2. ICRF Tumour Immunology Unit, Department of Zoology, University College London U.K.;3. Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract:Memory to H2 determinants was studied with an adoptive transfer system using a population of H2-activated blast T cells (T.TDL) obtained from thoracic duct lymph of irradiated F1 hybrid mice injected with parental strain T cells. CBA T.TDL activated either to DBA/2 or C57BL determinants were transferred to syngeneic “B” mice. Thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) were obtained from the recipients 4–6 weeks later and tested for their capacity to produce (a) a graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction, (b) a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) (measured by an in vivo technique) and (c) allograft rejection (suppression of the growth of allogeneic tumour cells in vivo). Control experiments involved testing the function of TDL obtained from “B” mice preinjected with TDL or no cells.TDL from “B” mice injected with TDL (passaged TDL) gave strong MLR and GVH reactions to both DBA/2 and C57BL determinants. Passaged T.TDL activated to C57BL antigens gave intermediate MLR and GVH reactions to the specific (C57BL) determinants but only very low responses to third-party (DBA/2) determinants; reciprocal results were obtained with passaged T.TDL activated to DBA/2 determinants. TDL from “B” mice given no cells failed to respond to either set of determinants.Since the responses by the passaged T.TDL did not exceed those by passaged TDL there was no evidence that adoptive transfer of T.TDL had conferred to the recipients a state of memory to either MLR or GVH determinants. Adoptive transfer did, however, lead to qualitative changes in the properties of T.TDL since, before transfer, they were unable to evoke GVH reactions or produce an MLR of normal kinetics.Passaged T.TDL were far superior to passaged TDL at suppressing the growth of allogeneic tumour cells. The protection was specific since protection against DBA/2 tumour cells was, cell for cell, 5–10 fold more effective with passaged T.TDL activated to DBA/2 determinants than with cells activated to C57BL determinants. No protection was observed with cells treated with anti-θ serum. The protective cells appeared to be precursors of effector cells rather than effector cells per se since they failed to lyse the tumour cells in vitro. These data suggest therefore that the descendants of T.TDL which survived after transfer to “B” mice were highly enriched in long-lived recirculating T lymphocytes reactive to determinants expressed by specific tumour allografts.
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