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Zur fortpflanzungsbiologie von mesostoma ehrenbergii (Focke, 1836) (Turbellaria)
Authors:Ulrich Heitkamp
Institution:1. II. Zoologisches Institut und Museum der Universit?t, G?ttingen
  1. At temperature levels from 10 to 25°C animals from resting eggs produce subitaneous eggs independent on temperature. In contrast animals from subitaneous eggs produce subitaneous eggs dependent on temperature. At a high rate subitaneous eggs are only formed at temperature levels above 20°C.
  2. Below 10°C no development occurs in the juveniles. At temperatures of 30/22°C (24.7°C) the first subitaneous eggs are formed after 6–9 days, at 14/9°C (10.7°C) they are formed after 34 days. At different temperature levels the developmental rate of the young is from 10.5 to 42 days. One generation extends over 16.5 (30/22°C) to 75 days (14/9°C). The average egg production is 10–20 subitaneous eggs or 30–60 resting eggs. The maximum egg production of one individual is 50 subitaneous eggs or 84 resting eggs. 50% of the animals have just formed resting eggs, before the juveniles are hatched. Resting eggs in the first egg-batch are formed 6–20 days later than subitaneous eggs. The duration of life is between 65 (30/22°C) and 140 days (19/13°C).
  3. Young worms in resting eggs have a dormance period of at least 15–30 days.
At room temperatures (20°C) no juvenile in resting eggs hatches from water. By combining room and refrigerator (3.5°C) temperatures the hatching rate increases to a maximum of 85%. To reach a hatching rate of 50–65% the influence of low temperatures must be at least 30 days. At room temperatures 60% of the young in resting eggs hatch from mud covered with water. Combining high and low temperatures the hatching success is between 67 and 81%, where the highest percentage of the young may hatch at room temperature. Up to 90 days low temperatures cause a maximum hatching rate of 79%. It decreases to approximately 30% after 180 days. At high temperatures resting eggs preserved in 100% moist mud, survive for two months. By adding a period of low temperatures the hatching rate increases to a maximum of 52%. Low temperatures are survived for more than 6 months. Up to 30 days preservation at 3.5°C causes a maximum hatching rate of 61%, up to 12o days it decreases to 30%. At room temperature the young in resting eggs are not resistant against air-dried mud (30–40% rel. air moisture). Combining high and low temperatures air-dried mud is endured 1 month (hatching rate 5–14%). Preservation of 30–120 days at 3.5°C and 70% rel. air moisture result in a hatching rate of 43–61%. li]4. In the open air in Middle-Europe there occur 5–6 generations of M. ehrenbergii per life-cycle. The first generation hatches from resting eggs in May, where the production of subitaneous eggs is independent on temperature. All other generations up to October hatch from subitaneous eggs. The egg-production of those worms is dependent on environmental factors. In summer subitaneous egg production prevails, in autumn resting egg production. The abundance during the life-cycle is dependent on the number of animals which produce subitaneous eggs. Resting eggs are predestinated to endure periods of dryness and cold. The life-cycles of the species M. lingua and M. productum are different from those of M. ehrenbergii in length and in the number of generations. In both species 7 generations occur over 8 to 8.5 respectively 5.5 months. M. nigrirostrum only forms resting eggs. The life-cycle consists of one generation from February/March to May/June.
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