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Andes Virus Antigens Are Shed in Urine of Patients with Acute Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome
Authors:Paula Godoy  Delphine Marsac  Elias Stefas  Pablo Ferrer  Nicole D. Tischler  Karla Pino  Pablo Ramdohr  Pablo Vial  Pablo D. T. Valenzuela  Marcela Ferrés  Francisco Veas  Marcelo López-Lastra
Abstract:Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) is a highly pathogenic emerging disease (40% case fatality rate) caused by New World hantaviruses. Hantavirus infections are transmitted to humans mainly by inhalation of virus-contaminated aerosol particles of rodent excreta and secretions. At present, there are no antiviral drugs or immunotherapeutic agents available for the treatment of hantaviral infection, and the survival rates for infected patients hinge largely on early virus recognition and hospital admission and aggressive pulmonary and hemodynamic support. In this study, we show that Andes virus (ANDV) interacts with human apolipoprotein H (ApoH) and that ApoH-coated magnetic beads or ApoH-coated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay plates can be used to capture and concentrate the virus from complex biological mixtures, such as serum and urine, allowing it to be detected by both immunological and molecular approaches. In addition, we report that ANDV-antigens and infectious virus are shed in urine of HCPS patients.Hantaviruses are segmented RNA viruses belonging to the genus Hantavirus in the family Bunyaviridae (43). Hantaviral genomes are tripartite, consisting of three different single-stranded RNA segments, designated large (L), medium (M), and small (S), that are packed into helical nucleocapsids (39, 42). These segments encode the RNA polymerase, a glycoprotein precursor that is cotranslationally processed to yield two envelope glycoproteins (Gc and Gn) and a nucleocapsid (N) protein. Hantaviruses are maintained in various rodent reservoirs, in which the hosts are persistently infected but lack disease symptoms (28, 32). Virus transmission to humans does not require direct human-to-rodent contact. Instead, human hantaviral infections are acquired by the respiratory route, most commonly through inhalation of virus-contaminated aerosol particles of rodent excreta (feces, saliva, or urine). Hantaviruses are known to cause two serious and often fatal human diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) (19, 31). Of the two diseases, HCPS is more severe, with a mortality rate of approximately 40% (19). Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is a mild-to-severe disease characterized by the development of an acute influenza-like febrile illness that may lead to hemorrhagic manifestations, and renal failure is caused by pathogenic Old World hantaviruses, which include Seoul, Hantaan, Dobrava, Tula, and Puumala viruses (28, 32, 42). The New World hantaviruses are responsible for HCPS, which is characterized by a febrile phase (prodrome) and pulmonary infection, cardiac depression, and hematologic manifestations (18, 31). HCPS pathogenesis generally includes capillary leak syndrome, which selectively involves the pulmonary bed, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, thrombocytopenia, hypotension, and/or cardiogenic shock (19, 31). The pathogenesis of HCPS, like that of many other viral hemorrhagic fevers, is poorly understood. However, the long incubation period for illness, the generally well-advanced adaptive immune response at the time of onset of the disease, and the apparent absence of direct lytic damage to vascular endothelium, all characteristics shared with other hemorrhagic fevers, are among the findings that strongly suggest that HCPS pathogenesis is largely immune mediated (22, 27). The lack of an FDA-approved vaccine for HCPS, the absence of specific antiviral drugs or immunotherapeutic agents, and the high overall mortality rate for hantavirus infection highlight the medical significance of New World hantavirus (5, 8, 19, 28, 32).Survival rates for patients with hantaviral infection hinge largely on early virus recognition and hospital admission and aggressive pulmonary and hemodynamic support (19, 31). The diagnosis, clinical course, and supportive care of patients with New World hantaviral infections have recently been reviewed (19, 31). Unfortunately, early diagnosis of New World hantaviral infections is complex, as the prodrome leading to acute cardiopulmonary deterioration in HCPS can be confused with febrile phases produced by, for example, mycoplasmas and chlamydophilial infections (52).Human apolipoprotein H (ApoH), also known as beta 2-glycoprotein I, is a constituent of human plasma (0.2 mg/ml) notorious for binding to negatively charged surfaces (3, 7, 14, 17, 44, 45). Several reports show that ApoH also interacts with viral proteins, such as the hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigen and proteins p18, p26, and gp160 of the human immunodeficiency virus (12, 30, 46, 47). Interestingly, studies involving binding to the HBV antigen suggest that ApoH specifically binds DNA-containing HBV particles, thus discriminating, through an undefined mechanism, between active replicating virus and empty noninfectious particles (47). These findings prompted us to assess a possible interaction between ApoH and Andes virus (ANDV), which is the major etiological agent of HCPS in South America and is unique among hantaviruses in its reported ability to be transmitted from person to person (19, 29, 34). The mechanism of person-to-person dissemination of ANDV remains to be elucidated, yet it is likely that person-to-person transmission of ANDV could be explained by mechanisms similar to those described for rodent-to-rodent and rodent-to-human transmission. If so, a compulsory condition for ANDV dissemination among humans is that the infected host must shed the pathogen in, for example, urine.In this study, we show that when fixed to a solid matrix, ApoH can be used to capture and concentrate ANDV from complex biological samples, including serum and urine, allowing virus detection by both immunological and molecular approaches. Furthermore, we took advantage of the ApoH-ANDV interaction to develop a high-throughput screening assay and show for the first time ANDV-antigen shedding in the urine of patients with acute HCPS. We also report the presence of infectious viral particles in the urine of two patients with HCPS.
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