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The Generation of Higher-order Laguerre-Gauss Optical Beams for High-precision Interferometry
Authors:Ludovico Carbone  Paul Fulda  Charlotte Bond  Frank Brueckner  Daniel Brown  Mengyao Wang  Deepali Lodhia  Rebecca Palmer  Andreas Freise
Affiliation:1.School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham
Abstract:Thermal noise in high-reflectivity mirrors is a major impediment for several types of high-precision interferometric experiments that aim to reach the standard quantum limit or to cool mechanical systems to their quantum ground state. This is for example the case of future gravitational wave observatories, whose sensitivity to gravitational wave signals is expected to be limited in the most sensitive frequency band, by atomic vibration of their mirror masses. One promising approach being pursued to overcome this limitation is to employ higher-order Laguerre-Gauss (LG) optical beams in place of the conventionally used fundamental mode. Owing to their more homogeneous light intensity distribution these beams average more effectively over the thermally driven fluctuations of the mirror surface, which in turn reduces the uncertainty in the mirror position sensed by the laser light.We demonstrate a promising method to generate higher-order LG beams by shaping a fundamental Gaussian beam with the help of diffractive optical elements. We show that with conventional sensing and control techniques that are known for stabilizing fundamental laser beams, higher-order LG modes can be purified and stabilized just as well at a comparably high level. A set of diagnostic tools allows us to control and tailor the properties of generated LG beams. This enabled us to produce an LG beam with the highest purity reported to date. The demonstrated compatibility of higher-order LG modes with standard interferometry techniques and with the use of standard spherical optics makes them an ideal candidate for application in a future generation of high-precision interferometry.
Keywords:Physics   Issue 78   Optics   Astronomy   Astrophysics   Gravitational waves   Laser interferometry   Metrology   Thermal noise   Laguerre-Gauss modes   interferometry
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