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Restriction analysis of cDNA for cow alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-caseins
Authors:S I Gorodetski?  D R Kiarshulite  T V Kapelinskaia  G E Sulimova
Abstract:By means of in situ hybridization to cloned cDNA fragments coding for cow alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-caseins, screening of the library of clones containing the cDNA complementary to mRNA of lactating cow mammary gland was carried out. The clones containing the sequences of alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-casein cDNAs were shown to constitute 4.0, 3.2 and 0.7% of all the colonies, respectively. The analysis of the data on cross-hybridization points to the absence of extensive regions of homology between the above-mentioned cDNAs. The restriction analysis of cDNAs of the selected clones was carried out and the restriction maps of cDNAs of these three caseins were constructed. The restriction analysis data and determination of the nucleotide sequence of 5'-termini of the studied cDNAs indicated that the cloned sequences were the full-length mRNA copies of alpha s1-, beta- and kappa-caseins. The data obtained on restriction analysis are utilized in mapping the corresponding natural genes of cow caseins.
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