Abstract: | The hematology of the laboratory mouse has beenwell characterized. Normal genetic differences at thealpha- and beta-globin gene loci serve as useful markersfor a wide variety of types of experimental studies. There are a number of naturallyoccurring or induced mutations that disrupt globinexpression and produce thalassemic phenotypes. Inaddition, much has been learned of the workings of theglobin locus control region from studies of transgenicmice, including those with mutations induced by targetedsite-specific modifications. After a new mutation ortransgene has been created, it must be maintained in living mice, and the genotypes of theoffspring must be ascertained. While it is possible todetermine genotypes by DNA analyses, such assays aretime consuming and relatively expensive. An osmoticchallenge test -- originally developed for thegenotyping of large-deletion alpha-thalassemia mutationsin mice -- has proven useful in detecting bothsevere and milder alpha- and beta-thalassemias, as wellas some transgenic genotypes in mice carrying human globin genes.Reliable genotyping can, in some cases, be completedwithin a few minutes with minimal expense.Quantification of red cell fragility for a variety ofthalassemic and transgenic mice is described here, alongwith a simplified test suitable for rapid, routinegenotyping. The osmotic challenge test is perfectlyreliable for distinguishing genotypes that causesignificantly decreased release of hemoglobin from the redcells, but it is also useful for some of the conditionsin which overall erythrocyte osmotic fragility isessentially normal. |