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Spontaneous Unstable UNC-22 IV Mutations in C. ELEGANS Var. Bergerac
Authors:D G Moerman and  R H Waterston
Institution:Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Abstract:This paper describes a mutator system in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans var. Bergerac for the gene unc-22. Of nine C. elegans and two C. briggsae strains tested only the Bergerac BO strain yielded mutant animals at a high frequency and the unc-22 IV gene is a preferred mutational target. The forward spontaneous mutation frequency at the unc-22 locus in Bergerac BO is about 1 x 10-4 , and most of these spontaneous unc-22 mutations revert at frequencies between 2 x 10-3 and 2 x 10 -4. Both the forward mutation frequency and the reversion frequency are sensitive to genetic background. Spontaneous unc-22 mutations derived in a Bergerac background and placed in a primarily Bristol background revert at frequencies of <10-6. When reintroduced into a Bergerac/Bristol hybrid background the mutations once again become unstable.

The mutator activity could not be localized to a discrete site in the Bergerac genome. Nor did mutator activity require the Bergerac unc-22 gene as a target since the Bristol unc-22 homolog placed in a Bergerac background also showed high mutation frequency. Intragenic mapping of two spontaneous unc-22 alleles, st136 and st137, place both mutations in the central region of the known unc-22 map. However, these mutations probably recombine with one another, suggesting that the unstable mutations can occur in more than one site in unc-22. Examination of the phenotypic effect of these mutations on muscle structure indicates that they are less severe in their effect than a known amber allele. We suggest that this mutator system is polygenic and dispersed over the nematode genome and could represent activity of the transposable element Tc1.

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