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引用本文:蔡立君,李军,花保祯. 陕西秦岭半仓山蝎蛉的生物学观察[J]. 昆虫知识, 2006, 0(5)
作者姓名:蔡立君  李军  花保祯
作者单位:西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室作物病虫综合治理与系统学农业部重点实验室 陕西杨凌712100(蔡立君,花保祯),陕西南郑县黎坪林场 陕西南郑县723111(李军)
摘    要:2004~2005年,在陕西省南部米仓山黎坪国家森林公园研究了秦岭蝎蛉Panorpa qinlingensisChouetRan的年生活史和生物学习性,通过饲养,成功获得卵、幼虫、蛹等虫态。结果表明,秦岭蝎蛉在米仓山1年发生2代,以预蛹在土室里越冬,5月中旬始见越冬代成虫,5月中旬末~6月上旬为越冬代成虫羽化盛期,7月下旬~8月中旬为第1代成虫羽化盛期,成虫在室内可存活35~60 d。羽化近1周后开始交尾,交尾4~8 d后开始产卵,单雌产卵量35~180粒,卵期5~9 d;幼虫型,共4龄,历期38~50d;蛹为强颚离蛹,蛹期8~18 d。记述了主要生物学习性。

关 键 词:秦岭蝎蛉  生活史  生物学  习性

Life history of the scorpionfly Panorpa qinlingensis in Micangshan of Mountains of Qinling Shaanxi
CAI Li-Jun,LI Jun,HUA Bao-Zhen. Life history of the scorpionfly Panorpa qinlingensis in Micangshan of Mountains of Qinling Shaanxi[J]. Entomological Knowledge, 2006, 0(5)
Authors:CAI Li-Jun  LI Jun  HUA Bao-Zhen
Abstract:The life history and biology of the scorpionfly Panorpa qinlingensis Chou et Ran were observed in the Liping National Forest Park,Micangshan Mountains,southernmost Shaanxi Province in 2004 to 2005.The immature stages,including egg,larva and pupa,have been obtained through rearing.The results show that the scorpionfly completes two generations per year in Michangshan,overwintering as the prepupal stage in the soil.The adults emerge mainly from mid May to early June in overwintering generation,and from late July to mid August in the first generation.The adult can survive for 35 to 60 d.The females begin to copulate about one week after emergence,one female depositing 35 to 180 eggs.The egg development takes 5 to 9 days after oviposition.The larvae are eruciform,consisting of 4 instars,with the duration lasting from 38 to 50 d.The pupae are dectious and exarate.The duration of the pupal stage is 8 to 18 d.The main habits of the scorpionfly are described.
Keywords:Panorpa qinlingensis  life history  biology  habit
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