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The dipteran sperm tail: ultrastructural characteristics and phylogenetic considerations
Affiliation:Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Universitàdi Siena, 1-53100 Siena, Italy.;Istituto di Chimica Strutturistica Inorganica, Universitàdegli Studi, 1-2013 Milano, Italy.;Department of Ultrastructure Research, Biology Institute E 4, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden.
Abstract:The sperm tail from representatives of several families of Diptera has been examined by high resolution electron microscopy and a computer analysis that improved the visualization of recorded patterns. A considerable variability in sperm tail structure is found within Diptera, and is actually greater than that of any other insect order. The 'generalized insect sperm axoneme'. which is characterized as a 9+9+2 axoneme and by the accessory microtubules having 16 protofilaments, was found only in some dipterans; these are members of Mycetophilidae. From this fact we conclude that Mycetophilidae is likely to be the most primitive extant dipteran group. Another mycetophilid, Boletina , was seen to have accessory tubules with 15 protofilaments as have members of families Dixidae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Bibionidae. The last two families have spermatozoa of a type designated as 9+9+'1' there is a central rod rather than two microtubules. We regard this 9+9+'1'pattern with 15 protofilaments to represent a synapomorphic feature. Representatives of the neatoceran families Tipulidae and Trichoceridae have accessory tubules with 13 protofilaments as do examined members of several brachyceran families. Brachycera is hence likely to be derived from the vicinity of the tipulid family. The intertubular material is small in Mycetophilidae and most nematoceran groups, whereas in Tipulidae and Brachycera it is enlarged; here it bridges the space between the accessory tubules and contains various inclusions.
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