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Both neural crest and placode contribute to the ciliary ganglion and oculomotor nerve
Authors:Lee Vivian M  Sechrist John W  Luetolf Simone  Bronner-Fraser Marianne
Affiliation:Division of Biology, 139-74, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
Abstract:The chick ciliary ganglion is a neural crest-derived parasympathetic ganglion that innervates the eye. Here, we examine its axial level of origin and developmental relationship to other ganglia and nerves of the head. Using small, focal injections of DiI, we show that neural crest cells arising from both the caudal half of the midbrain and the rostral hindbrain contribute to the ciliary as well as the trigeminal ganglion. Precursors to both ganglia have overlapping migration patterns, moving first ventrolaterally and then rostrally toward the optic vesicle. At the level of the midbrain/forebrain junction, precursors to the ciliary ganglion separate from the main migratory stream, turn ventromedially, and condense in the vicinity of the rostral aorta and Rathke's pouch. Ciliary neuroblasts first exit the cell cycle at early E2, prior to and during ganglionic condensation, and neurogenesis continues through E5.5. By E3, markers of neuronal differentiation begin to appear in this population. By labeling the ectoderm with DiI, we discovered a new placode, caudal to the eye and possibly contiguous to the trigeminal placode, that contributes a few early differentiating neurons to the ciliary ganglion, oculomotor nerve, and connecting branches to the ophthalmic nerve. These results suggest for the first time a dual neural crest and placodal contribution to the ciliary ganglion and associated nerves.
Keywords:Chick   DiI   Migration   Neuronal differentiation   Neurogenesis   Ophthalmic nerve   Trigeminal ganglion
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