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Quantifying marine snow as a food choice for zooplankton using stable silicon isotope tracers
Authors:Dilling, Lisa   Brzezinski, Mark A.
Affiliation:1 Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA 2 Present Address: Environmental and Societal Impacts Group, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3450 Mitchell Lane, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
Abstract:Aggregates of biogenic origin >0.5 mm, known as marine snow,represent a concentrated potential source of food for zooplankton.Little is known, however, about whether aggregates are commonlygrazed by zooplankton in the field. While previous laboratorystudies have shown that the euphausiid Euphausia pacifica, andthe copepod, Calanus pacificus, common crustacean zooplankters,consume marine snow if it is the only food source available,it is not known if euphausiids will select marine snow in thepresence of edible dispersed cells, as readily occurs in nature.To examine this question, we offered E. pacifica the diatom,Nitzschia angularis in aggregated and dispersed form as preysimultaneously. Aggregates and dispersed food contained identicalcell types so that differing prey quality, taste or motilitywould not be a factor. A new method was developed to track foodsources by labeling the frustules of aggregated cells with differentnaturally occurring, but rare, stable isotopes of silicon, 30Siand 29Si. Food selection was then estimated by measuring theisotopic composition of silica within fecal pellets producedby animals feeding on mixtures of the two labeled foods. Resultsindicate that E. pacifica consumed both aggregates and dispersedcells, even when more cells were made available in dispersedform than in aggregated form. This suggests that aggregatesmay indeed be a food source in the field, even when dispersedcells are relatively abundant. The method of labeling diatomcells with stable isotopes of silica may prove useful for futuregrazing experiments to distinguish identical cell types.
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