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Swimming behaviour of upriver migrating sea lamprey assessed by electromyogram telemetry
Authors:By B. R. Quintella,I. Pó  voa, P. R. Almeida
Affiliation:Institute of Oceanography, Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon, Lisbon;;Department of Biology, University of Evora, Evora, Portugal
Abstract:The main subject of this study was the swimming behaviour of upriver migrating sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus , with particular focus on identification of their swim strategies to overcome areas of difficult passage. A biotelemetry technique (electromyogram telemetry) was used to register muscle activity of the tagged animals. In the 2005 spawning season, five adult sea lampreys were surgically tagged and released in the field. Before release, electromyogram (EMG) records were calibrated with the P. marinus swimming speed in a swim tunnel. Differences between ground speed and swimming speed in the wild suggest that the calibrated CEMG (coded electromyogram) transmitter output corresponds to an activity index, and cannot be properly related to actual swimming speed. This study notes the need to confirm the laboratory calibration curves, to ascertain their use in determining swimming speed of tagged fish in the wild. In 2006, in order to confirm the field results seven adult sea lampreys were tagged, calibrated in the laboratory and released in a 30-m long experimental outdoor canal. The results were similar: observed swimming speed was generally higher when compared with the swimming speed obtained with the EMG signal. In the river, when swimming through slow-flow stretches, sea lampreys maintained a constant pattern of activity, attaining an average ground speed of 0.76 BL s−1 (2.5 km h−1). When sea lampreys encountered rapid flow reaches they alternated between short movements ( c. 67 s) and periods of rest ( c. 99 s). In each swim bout they progressed approximately 14 m; to overcome more difficult obstacles sea lampreys increased their number of burst movements instead of longer or more violent swimming events. About 43% of the time negotiating difficult passage areas was spent in resting by attaching motionless to the substrate with their oral disk.
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