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引用本文:何明雄,吴波,谭芙蓉,王景丽,税宗霞,秦晗,代立春,胡启春. 运动发酵单胞菌在生物炼制中的研究进展[J]. 生物技术进展, 2014, 4(5): 331-339. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-2341.2014.05.05
作者姓名:何明雄  吴波  谭芙蓉  王景丽  税宗霞  秦晗  代立春  胡启春
作者单位:1.农业部沼气科学研究所, 生物质能技术研究中心, 成都 610041;2.农业部农村可再生能源开发与利用重点实验室, 成都 610041
摘    要:以木质纤维素生物质为原料的生物炼制技术已成为全球研发的热点和难点。欧盟国家和美国的中长期生物质能源发展路线图中均将木质纤维素生物炼制技术作为重要目标,但是目前整体水平尚处于中试阶段。我国的纤维素类生物质原料非常丰富,将其转化成燃料乙醇及生物基础化学品等具有较大的潜力,但当前要想实现商业化生产,还面临着很多瓶颈问题亟待解决。缺乏能够同时高效利用纤维素类水解物的发酵菌株,已成为纤维素生物质高效与高值转化的关键制约因素。运动发酵单胞菌是目前唯一一种通过ED途径兼性厌氧发酵葡萄糖的微生物,其独特的代谢途径使其成为构建产乙醇工程菌的优选宿主之一;同时由于该菌具有较高的糖利用效率等优点,也是其他生物基化学品生产的重要候选平台微生物,如山梨醇、葡萄糖酸、丁二酸和异丁醇等。本文从该菌的研究历程、分子生物学基础、菌种改良及该菌在生物能源及生物基化学品等生物炼制体系中的应用研究角度进行了综述,并提出该菌可作为纤维素生物质生物炼制系统的新的重要平台微生物。

关 键 词:纤维素生物质  生物炼制  燃料乙醇  生物基化学品  运动发酵单胞菌  

Research Progress of Zymomonas mobilis on Biorefinery System
Abstract:Biorefinery technologies using lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock have become a hot topic and huge task in globle research and development,which are also an important goal of long|term biomass energy roadmap in both EU countries and the United States. However,the current overall level is still in pilot stage. China has abundant biomass resources,which has great potential in the production of biomass energy and bio|based chemicals,but also faces a lot of bottleneck problems to be solved in order to achieve commercial production. The lack of efficient fermentation strains simultaneously ferment cellulosic hydrolyzate,has become a key constraint in cellulosic biorefinery. Currently,Zymomonas mobilis has became a preferred host in cellulosic ethanol fermentation for its unique ED pathway. Z. mobilis also showed some advantages of higher specific rate of sugar uptake,etc.,which made it an ideal platform for commercial|scale production of desirable bio|products,such as sorbitol,gluconic acid,succinic acid and isobutanol. This paper reviewed the research history,molecular biology,strain improvement and its application in biorefinery system, and also put forwards that Z. mobilis could be considered as a noval important microbe platform of cellulosic biomass biorefinery system.
Keywords:lignocellulosic biomass  biorefinery  bioethanol  bio-based chemical  Zymomonas mobilis  
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