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Stimulus parameters and temporal evolution of the olfactory evoked potential in rats
Authors:Evans  WJames; Starr  Arnold
Abstract:Evoked potentials were recorded from olfactory bulb, piriformcortex and scalp in urethane anesthetized rats in response tobrief odorant stimuli (amyl acetate, phenylethyl alcohol, eugenol)presented through a nasal cannula by means of a constant flowolfactometer. The effects of stimulus duration, nasal cannulaposition, flow rate, concentration and interstimulus intervalwere examined. The highest amplitude potentials were evokedby 10% amyl acetate at 20 ms duration, 1000 ml/min flow rateand a 60-s interstimulus interval with the stimulus deliveredat the nares. Odorant evoked potentials from deep within theolfactory bulb consisted of a triphasic wave with major componentsat 60 ms (P60), 90 ms (N90) and 140 ms (P140) with the lattertwo reversing polarity close to the surface of the bulb. Potentialsrecorded from layer I of piriform cortex were of similar amplitude,but opposite in polarity to the deep olfactory bulb potentials.Recordings from the skin over the nose elicited waveforms ofsimilar morphology to the deep olfactory bulb potentials, butone-quarter the amplitude and of opposite polarity The evokedpotentials changed with repetitive stimulation The N90 componentwas not present initially and only appeared after several stimuli.The appearance of the N90 component depended on the integrityof the olfactory peduncle. Thus, olfactory evoked potentialsto odorant stimuli reflect dynamic aspects of the encoding ofolfactory information dependent on connections between olfactorybulb and piriform cortex
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