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Paläogenetik der Pest
Authors:Dr. Barbara Bramanti  Stephanie Hänsch
Affiliation:CEES, Dept. of Biosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1066 Blindern, NO‐0316 Oslo, Norway
Abstract:Paleogenetics of the plague Plague has been part of our history since ancient times. Introduced again and again to Europe over centuries, the 'pestilences' killed millions of people before disappearing from the continent in 19th Century. In the Middle Ages, bacteria were unknown and often the transmission routes of plague remained unrecognized. Plague was considered as a punishment by God disseminated by Miasma. With modern methods, microbiologists and palaeogenetists have now successfully shown that all the three historical recognized plague pandemics indeed were caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. In addition, important information has been obtained about the evolution of the bacterium and its origin. New data from ongoing studies on victims of the past epidemics help to shed new light on the past and perhaps even on the present of plague.
Keywords:Yersinia pestis  Pest  Schwarzer Tod  Justinianische Pest  historische Pestepidemien
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