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Regeneration and uptake of ammonium by plankton in an Amazon floodplain lake
Authors:Morrissey, K.M.   Fisher, T.R.
Affiliation:University of Maryland—CEES, Horn Point Laboratories Cambridge, MD 21613, USA
Abstract:Planktonic regeneration and uptake of ammonium was measuredin Lake Calado on the floodplain of the Amazon River (Brazil).In the epilimnion of the lake, regeneration and uptake averaged0.86 ± 0.15 and 1.9 ± 0.4 µmol NH41–1h–1 respectively. Uptake exceeded regeneration under theammonium-enriched conditions of our experimental incubations,but uptake and regeneration are in near-balance at in situ ammoniumconcentrations of <1 µM. In experiments that simulatedlake overturn, samples from the meta- and hypolimnion had higherrates of regeneration (1.4 ± 0.6) and lower rates ofuptake (0.89 ± 0.53) than epilimnetic samples. Duringinflow of water from the Amazon River and a local stream, ammoniumregeneration rates were similar to those measured in the epilimnion(0.84 ± 0.22), but the uptake rates were lower (0.49± 0.13). Although regeneration always exceeded uptakein the overturn and inflow experiments, ammonium did not accumulate.Rapid isotope dilution of the ammonium pool occurred in theincubations, and the effect of not accounting for isotope dilutioncould result in underestimating uptake rates by a factor of2–5 in the epilimnion of this tropical lake.
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