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Factors Affecting Uptake of Radioactive Phosphorus by Leaves and its Translocation to other Parts of the Plant
Affiliation:Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden, Herts
Abstract:The rate of uptake of 32P from labelled NaH2PO4 solutions sprayedon to one leaf of swedes (Brassica napus) or French beans (Phaseolusvulgaris) was rapid during the first few hours and fell to zeroafter 4 days. 22P was detected in the root after 3 hours andcontinued to move out of the treated leaf for at least 6 daysafter application. A larger fraction of the applied 32P wasabsorbed from repeated than from a single spraying. Swedes absorbed more 32P from a single application to the lowersurface than to the upper surface of the leaf. Doubling theconcentration of the spray caused a small increase in the percentageof applied 22P that was absorbed. Absorption by French-beanleaves decreased slightly when the area sprayed with a constantamount of 32P was doubled, and decreased with increasing ageof leaf. Increasing the phosphorus supply to the roots of swedesaffected neither the initial rate nor the total amount of 32Puptake by the leaves but decreased the quantity of 32P thatwas translocated out of the treated leaf. Increasing the relative humidity of the air around the plantsalso increased32P uptake. Shading usually decreased uptake andalways decreased translocation. Rewetting the leaf to whichthe 32P had been applied, with water or sucrose solution, hadvariable effects. The significance of the results is discussed.
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