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Transberingian dispersal of cestodes in mammals
Authors:Robert L. Rausch

Department of Comparative Medicine SB-42, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.

Abstract:During Pleistocene glaciations, eustatic lowering of sea-level exposed the continental shelf between northeastern Eurasia and northwestern North America. That land in combination with unglaciated areas on the adjacent continents formed a vast region open to the west but bounded on the east by continental ice. Organisms from Eurasia spread into the unglaciated Beringian refugium, which was biotically an eastward extension of the Palaearctic. With rising sea-levels following glacial periods, the Bering Strait was formed and organisms of Eurasian origin were left within the nearctic sector of Beringia. As the continental ice disappeared, plants and animals spread eastward and southward from Beringia, while organisms from beyond the southern margins of the ice extended their ranges northward. The significance of Beringia is discussed with reference to the dispersal of host-specific cestodes in mammals that attained holarctic status during the late Pleistocene.
Keywords:pleistocene glaciations   Beringia   host-specific cestodes   holarctic mammals   trans-Beringian dispersals
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