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Improving the therapeutic potential of endostatin by fusing it with the BAX BH3 death domain
Authors:R M Chura-Chambi  M H Bellini  J F Jacysyn  L N Andrade  L P Medina   á R B Prieto-da-Silva  G P Amarante-Mendes  L Morganti
Abstract:Endostatin (ES) inhibits angiogenesis, reducing tumor growth in animal models. However, it has low therapeutic effect in human clinical trials. BAX is a member of the BCL-2 family of proteins; its proapoptotic (BH3) domain interacts with other members of the family in the cytoplasm, to induce apoptosis. Here, we fused the BAX BH3 domain with murine ES, to enhance ES potency. Endothelial cells specifically internalize the fusion protein ES-BAX. The presence of the BAX domain enhances endothelial cell death by apoptosis by 1.8-fold and diminishes microvessel outgrowth in the rat aortic ring assay by 6.5-fold. Daily injections of 15 μg of ES-BAX/g in tumor-bearing mice reduce tumor weight by 86.9% as compared with ES-treated animals. Co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that ES-BAX interacts with members of the BCL-2 family. Also, ES interacts with BCL-2, BCL-XL, and BAK in endothelial cell lysates, suggesting a potential new mechanism for the apoptosis induction by ES. The superiority of the ES-BAX antiangiogenic effect indicates that this fusion protein could be a promising therapeutic alternative to treat cancer.Endostatin (ES) is a specific inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, invasion, tube formation, angiogenesis, and tumor growth in animal models.1, 2 Treatment with ES does not produce side effects or induce drug resistance.1 ES exerts its biological activities by binding to cell surface receptors, a process that triggers intracellular signaling cascades. Proteins such as nucleolin, matrix metalloproteinase 2, integrins, tropomyosin, glypicans, and laminin-1 are possible ES receptors that display binding affinities and that were described to be involved in the ES antiangiogenic function.3, 4, 5, 6, 7The necessity to administer high ES levels on a daily basis (15–600 mg/m2/day),8 the need to adjust doses,9 and the low antitumoral effect observed in clinical assays in humans10 have limited the use of ES to treat human cancer. Therefore, modifying the ES structure might improve its proapoptotic activity and provide better therapeutic protocols for human patients with cancer.The B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) family of proteins constitutes regulators of the apoptosis intrinsic pathway.11, 12 The BCL-2 members can be divided into three main subclasses that are partly defined by the homology shared within four conserved regions. These regions, termed BCL-2 homology (BH) 1–4 domains, correspond to α-helices with similar sequences that dictate protein structure and function. The antiapoptotic subfamily members BCL-2, B-cell lymphoma-extra large (BCL-XL), BCL-W, MCL-1, and A1 contain three or four BH domains. The apoptosis effectors BCL-2-associated X-protein (BAX) and BCL-2 antagonist/killer (BAK) are subfamily relatives that possess structures in the domains BH1 through BH3; they closely resemble their prosurvival cognates.13, 14 The proapoptotic ‘BH3-only'' proteins are related to the other members by the short signature BH3 domain, which is essential for their killing function.15, 16 The apoptotic switch operates through interactions between the proteins within the subfamilies. The structure of the prosurvival BCL-XL monomer revealed that its BH1, BH2, and BH3 domains are in close proximity and create a hydrophobic pocket that can accommodate a BH3 domain of the BAK proapoptotic member.17 In viable cells, the multidomains BAX and BAK exist as inactive monomers. Inactive BAX resides in the cytosol or loosely attaches to membranes; its C-terminal α9 helix occupies its hydrophobic pocket.13 Upon receipt of a death signal by a triggering BH3 helix, BAX transforms into a fully activated monomer that can propagate its own activation.18 Activated BAX translocates to the mitochondria, forming a putative homo-oligomer and generating pores that irreversibly damages these organelles.19 Consequently, proapoptogenic factors are released, activating the executioner caspases.20, 21 The BAX BH3 domain confers BAX killing functionality. The minimal portion of BAK, critical for the heterodimerization and proapoptotic function, consists of a 15/16-amino acid peptide mapped to the BH3 domain.15, 17, 22Impaired apoptosis is a critical step in tumor development. Enhanced levels of the prosurvival BCL-2 family members or, alternatively, the loss or inactivation of the pro-death relatives frequently occur in cancer.23 Therefore, scientists have designed strategies to induce downstream apoptotic events that could overcome the inhibition of tumor cells apoptosis by either delivering proapoptotic BH3 peptides24, 25 or using compounds that function as cell permeable, small molecular mimics of the BH3 domain.26 However, there is concern about the therapeutic use of proapoptotic BH3 or its mimetics because of the lack of specificity to tumor cells, possibly prompting to greater toxicity to normal cells. Inducing an imbalance in favor of cell death by raising the levels of the proapoptotic BH3 peptide, is an interesting strategy, especially in cells with normal levels of the antiapoptotic BCL-2 proteins, which is the case of cells of tumor vasculature.In the present study, we produced three chimerical recombinant proteins based on the core of the ES fused with the BH3 domains of the proapoptotic proteins BAK and BAX as a means to target these proteins. Such proteins display enhanced proapoptotic properties toward the tumor endothelium, avoiding damage to normal tissues. In addition, we determined if ES and ES-BAX interact with members of the BCL-2 family in endothelial cell lysates.
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