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Amino acid sequences of ovomucoid third domain from 25 additional species of birds
Authors:Michael Laskowski Jr.   Izydor Apostol   Wojciech Ardelt   James Cook   Anthony Giletto   Clyde A. Kelly   Wuyuan Lu   Soon Jae Park   M. A. Qasim   Harry E. Whatley   Anna Wieczorek  Richard Wynn
Affiliation:(1) Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, 47907 West Lafayette, Indiana;(2) Present address: Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, 06511 New Haven, Connecticut;(3) Present address: Alfacell Corp., 225 Belleville Avenue, 07003 Bloomfield, New Jersey;(4) Present address: Eli Lilly and Company, 307 E. McCarty Street, 46285 Indianapolis, Indiana;(5) Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University Medical School, 660 S. Euclid, 63110 St. Louis, Missouri;(6) Present address: Biotech Division, Lucky Central Research Institute, Science Town, Dae Jeon, Korea;(7) Present address: Abbott Laboratories, 60064 Abbott Park, Illinois;(8) Present address: Somatogenetics International, Inc., 350 Interlocken Parkway, 80020 Broomfield, Colorado
Abstract:Ovomucoids were isolated from 25 avian species other than the 101 studied in Laskowskiet al. (1987,Biochemistry26, 202–221). These were subjected to limited proteolysis with an appropriate enzyme, and connecting peptide extended ovomucoid third domains were isolated and sequenced to the end in a protein sequencer. Of the 25 new sequences, 13 duplicate ones were already known, and 12 are unique. Probably the most striking findings are a Pro14 rarr Ser14 replacement in weka, an Ala14rarrThr15 replacement in Bulwer's pheasant, the discovery of two additional amino acid residues Ile18 and Gly18 at the P1 reactive site position in Kalij pheasant and tawny frogmouth, respectively, and the first finding of a negative (Glu34) rather than positive (Lys34 or Arg34) amino acid residue at the NH2 terminus of the agr helix in caracara ovomucoid third domain. These results complete the determination of all the sequences of ovomucoid third domains in the four species genusGallus, in the five species genusSyrmaticus, and in the two species generaAix andPavo.
Keywords:Ovomucoid  inhibitors of serine proteinases  sequences of ovomucoid third domains  evolution of birds
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