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Regulated phase transitions of bacterial chromatin: a non-enzymatic pathway for generic DNA protection
Authors:Frenkiel-Krispin D  Levin-Zaidman S  Shimoni E  Wolf S G  Wachtel E J  Arad T  Finkel S E  Kolter R  Minsky A
Affiliation:Department of Organic Chemistry, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
Abstract:The enhanced stress resistance exhibited by starved bacteria represents a central facet of virulence, since nutrient depletion is regularly encountered by pathogens in their natural in vivo and ex vivo environments. Here we explore the notion that the regular stress responses, which are mediated by enzymatically catalyzed chemical transactions and promote endurance during the logarithmic growth phase, can no longer be effectively induced during starvation. We show that survival of bacteria in nutrient-depleted habitats is promoted by a novel strategy: finely tuned and fully reversible intracellular phase transitions. These non-enzymatic transactions, detected and studied in bacteria as well as in defined in vitro systems, result in DNA sequestration and generic protection within tightly packed and highly ordered assemblies. Since this physical mode of defense is uniquely independent of enzymatic activity or de novo protein synthesis, and consequently does not require energy consumption, it promotes virulence by enabling long-term bacterial endurance and enhancing antibiotic resistance in adverse habitats.
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