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The relationship between lumenal and limiting membranes in swollen late endocytic compartments formed after wortmannin treatment or sucrose accumulation
Authors:Bright N A  Lindsay M R  Stewart A  Luzio J P
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Wellcome Trust Centre for Molecular Mechanisms in Disease, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2XY, UK. nab@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk
Abstract:Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy were used to evaluate the formation of swollen endosomes in NRK cells after treatment with wortmannin or sucrose and to study the relationship between lumenal and limiting membrane. Both treatments resulted in the formation of two populations of swollen late endocytic vacuoles, positive for lysosomal glycoproteins or cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors, but those induced by wortmannin were characterised by time-dependent accumulation of lumenal vesicles, whereas those induced by sucrose uptake did not accumulate lumenal vesicles. In both cases, the distribution of the late endosomal marker, lysobisphosphatidic acid, remained unchanged and was present within the lumen of the swollen vacuoles. Consumption of plasma membrane and peripheral early endosomes, and the appearance of transferrin receptors in swollen late endosomes, indicated that continued membrane influx from early endocytic compartments, together with inhibition of membrane traffic out of the swollen compartments, is sufficient to account for the observed phenotype of cells treated with wortmannin. The accumulation of organelles with the characteristic morphology of endocytic carrier vesicles in cells that have taken up sucrose offers an explanation for the paucity of lumenal vesicles in swollen sucrosomes. Our data suggest that in fibroblast cells the swollen endosome phenotype induced by wortmannin is a consequence of endocytic membrane influx, coupled with the failure to recycle membrane to other cellular destinations, and not the inhibition of multivesicular body biogenesis.
Keywords:electron microscopy  endocytosis  endosomes  lysobisphosphatidic acid  multivesicular bodies  PI3 kinase  sucrosomes  wortmannin
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