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Yolk formation in an annelid (Ophryotrocha puerilis, polychaeta)
Authors:H.-D. Pfannenstiel,Ch. Grü  nig
Affiliation:Institut für Allgemeine Zoologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Str. 1-3, D-1000 Berlin 33, FRG
Abstract:The polychaete Ophryotrocha does not show a distinct breeding season. Egg masses are produced throughout the year (continuous breeder sensu Olive and Clark, 1978). A female specimen may contain up to three different generations of oocytes with oocyte growth and maturation in each batch being well synchronized. Oogenesis takes about 18 days from proliferation of the oogonia to mature eggs. In each segment pairs of sister cells interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges are located in outpocketings of the ventral mesentery which form the gonad wall. Presumptive oocytes and nurse cells are not easily distinguished at that time. Vitellogenesis is initiated while both oocytes and nurse cells are still in the ovary. Mitochondria, multivesicular bodies (transformed mitochondria ?), dense bodies, preformed yolk bodies of smaller size and lipid droplets are probably passed through the cytoplasmic bridge from the nurse cell to the oocyte. Yolk formation includes different mechanisms and materials of different origin. Autosynthetic yolk formation predominates during the first intraovarial growth phase. After detachment of oocyte-nurse cell-complexes from the gonad pinocytotic activity of nurse cells and particularly oocytes, increases considerably. The existence of coated vesicles suggests that external sources of yolk precursors contribute to yolk formation. Prior to oocyte maturation the remnants of the nurse cell are incorporated by oocytes.
Keywords:Polychaete   oogenesis   vitellogenesis   nurse cells   tine structure
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