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Epizoic bryozoans and corals as indicators of life and post-mortem orientations of the Devonian brachiopod Meristella
Affiliation:Department of Geological Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, 43210, USA;Mobil Exploration &Producing U.S., Inc., 2319 N. Kansas Ave., Liberal, Kansas 67901, USA;School of Geology &Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA;Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA;26th May, 1994
Abstract:The in-life and post-mortem orientations of the Lower Devonian brachiopod Meristella atoka from the Haragan Formation (Lower Devonian; south-central Oklahoma) are inferred from the distribution of epizoic bryozoans and the orientations of base plates of epizoic corals. Three bryozoans, Cyphotrypa corrugata, Fistuliporella maynardi and Leioclema pulchellum, and one coral, Favosites conicus, are considered. Most zoaria that contact the commissure terminate at the commissurc, and a few zoaria terminate at growth lines. This suggests that the bryozoans were primarily life associates of Meristella atoka. Collectively, these three bryozoan species most extensively encrusted marginal sectors of the brachial valve and are very rare on the posteromedian sector (the umbo) of the pedicle valve. This distributional pattern indicates that the preferred living orientation of Meristella atoka was umbo-down (posteromedian sector of the pedicle valve resting on or buried in the substratum) with the commissure steeply inclined to the sediment water interface. Most coralla of Favosites conicus that contacted the commissure encrusted over the commissure. This indicates that Favosites conicus either preferentially encrusted Meristella atoka post-mortem or colonized living brachiopods but subsequently caused them to die. Furthermore, Favosites conicus most extensively encrusted anterior sectors of the brachial valve, especially the fold. The lateral and anterior orientations of the commissure with respect to the base plates (holothecae) of Favosites conicus indicates that the brachiopods were oriented approximately horizontal with respect to the base plates. This suggests that the preferred post-mortem orientation of Meristella atoka was resting nearly horizontally on the substratum. These data and interpretations confirm previously inferred in-life orientations of Meristella atoka and are consistent with post-mortem orientations hypothesized for elongate-oval athyrid brachiopods. □Brachiopoda, Athyridacea, Meristella atoka , palaeoecology, autecology, epizoans, bryozoans, corals, sedimentology, Lower Devonian, North America, Oklahoma.
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